Losing weight is a lot more complicated than it seems on the surface. Anyone who just says “burn more calories than you eat” doesn’t get it. We’re more proud of having three 100lb weight loss clients than our two CrossFit Games Athletes.
Here are a few quick and simple strategies you can use today to swing the momentum in your direction.
1.) Are you thirsty or hungry?
The problem:
The human body is intelligent in ways we are only beginning to understand. When we are dehydrated, our body knows that if it signals you to eat – often in the form of sweet or fatty-food cravings – it will be able to get more hydrating fluids (in the form of food).
While a cunning strategy, this results in over consuming calories and thus putting on excess weight.
The solution:
Purchase a bottle that allows you to measure how much you are drinking, and aim to drink 1/2 your body in fluid ounces of water daily. Keep in mind that if you are exercising, you will need to add 8oz for every 15 minutes of sweat-producing exercise. Example: A 150lb person who works out 45 minutes a day, would need 99oz of water (75oz for the day + 24oz for the workout)
2.) Quickly lower stress to break the fat loss dam.
The problem:
Stress is a physiological state made up of a symphony of hormones which signal to the body to hold on to fat stores (in case of emergency) and increase comfort foods (to emotionally deal with stress and build up energy reserves). In effect, stress is a Dam acting to stop your body’s fat stores from flooding out and away.
The solution:
Lucky for you, here is a powerful one-two punch that is both simple and easy. Take 3g (female) or 4g (male) of a high quality fish oil daily. For optimal utilization, couple this with getting 20 minutes of sun exposure per day. The more body parts you can expose to the sun, the better (keep in mind, this is 20 minutes of exposure without sunscreen).
3.) Curb cravings by slowing down.
The problem:
Ever have the experience of starting your day super motivated to eat well, exercise hard and stay strong on your diet; only to find yourself caving into a few sweets here and there as the day goes on?
The solution:
Keeping your blood sugar regulated and in control throughout the day is a powerful fat loss principle. Next time you find yourself craving junk food, do the following: Immediately drink 12oz of water & eat 1 TBSP of Almond or Peanut Butter SLOWLY. The absolute key is to take at least 5 minutes to eat the entire tablespoon. Allow each bite to spend as much time as possible on your tongue (this will trigger a sequence of enzyme and hormones that combat cravings). Then, wait 15 minutes before you decide whether or not you still want to eat whatever it is you were craving.