Athlete Profile: Scott Brewster

Scott Brewster knows how to get work done. He came in as a “former CrossFitter,” who wanted to get back in shape, focus on his weaknesses, and enjoy the occasional craft brew. Since joining DCF, he has seen nothing but progress, embracing his true potential via the IDP program.

Scott Brewster

What’s your athletic/fitness background?
Started crossfit in 2012 in SF. Then had a year sabbatical into total oblivion..

What was your first CrossFit workout and what did you think of it?
The ” bear complex” it was like throwing a small baby who also has poor athletic ability off an olympic high dive.

What’s been the biggest change for you since starting CrossFit?
Being able to push and steer [at the same time] my car by myself up a hill when my battery died. That’s what I think crossfit gives people. True strength you would use in everyday life.

What’s been your favorite DCF moment up to now?
I really like the split jerk.

What’s been your least favorite DCF moment up to now?
High hang snatch.

Least favorite CrossFit movement/WOD?
Anything with wall balls. Although, once I reach a certain plateau I start to like them..weird.

Favorite CrossFit movement/WOD?
The Turkish lift is a really cool one. Strength combined with balance.

When did you know you were hooked?
The first time I RX’d a workout.

Any advice for people starting out?
Patience. Mod now, Rx later. It never gets easier, but that’s the point 😉