Growing up I was a tomboy and played all sort of sports. I love volleyball and softball. I started running marathons, which caused sciatica pain. I had to stop running. I wanted to still stay active and challenge myself. I stopped at Dogtown Crossfit three years ago. One of the coaches asked me what was my goal. I responded I want to stay solid and get stronger. He said “Crossfit will do that for you”. I moved to DC 8 months ago and a member of Dogtown recommend District Crossfit. I dropped in at DCF for a partner WOD and I said to myself: “This is it! My new box.” Enjoyed Coach Kate screaming at me, yes it motivated me! The members were very welcoming and friendly. I have been at DCF ever since.
What was your first CrossFit workout and what did you think of it?
The WOD was 4 rounds for time. 300m run, 5 box jumps, 10 burpees, 15 sit-ups. Needless to say I was out of breath and about to pass out. I distinctively remember doing those burpees and hating them immediately! The next day I was so sore, but came back for more.
What’s been the biggest change for you since starting CrossFit?
The physical changes I have experienced are nothing compared to the mental changes. I challenge myself more. I feel like those barriers I had in the back of my mind are gone. I do not have sciatica pain anymore. My mobility is better, I eat clean and way more than I used too.
What’s been your favorite DCF moment up to now?
Anything that has to do with weights. I like deadlifts, squats, walking lunges, thrusters.
What’s been your favorite DCF moment up to now?
Every time I hit a new PR is a favorite moment for me
I have to say DCF Civil War was another favorite moment. It was so much fun!
Least favorite CrossFit movement/WOD?
Burpees!!! Just got the chills typing it out.
When did you know you were hooked?
The second day, I knew I had to change my membership from 3 days to unlimited.
Any advice for people starting out?
Sleep, hydrate and get clean.
Describe your favorite part about DCF?
DCF is a community! The members and coaches are friendly and always cheering you on. I have made great friends at DCF.